Of all of our milestones celebrated, having 500 jerky bags submitted for review to date is what we are most proud of. Without the kindness of jerky makers submitting jerky for review, this jerky review web site would not be possible. We would like to take this opportunity to thank every jerky maker who has submitted for review to date, and thank you to every jerky maker who does going forward. It is our privilege to review jerky, where jerky makers tend to be hard working and perfectionists.
The original intent of this jerky web site was to document my jerky bag collection that started in 2008, which was around 550 bags at the time. In January 2014, we launched this jerky web site. It started with doing non-live taste reviews, just going on memory and what my scant taste notes were in an Excel spreadsheet. After about four months of working on a template for taste, bag design, and ingredients reviews, we started sprinkling in the occasional live taste review.
Once we were a little more comfortable in describing the taste of a flavor, we started reaching out to jerky makers for submissions around August 2014. Really since that day, we have not looked back. We have had a consistent supply of jerky to review ever since, where the challenge has always been to keep up with demand.
Just this weekend, two jerky makers reached out to us on Friday, and another on Saturday expressing submitting jerky for review. We do happen to live in Canada near Toronto, which has caused numerous challenges over the years. For well over a year now, we have been adding jerky makers to our queue if they are unwilling or not able to send their jerky to Canada. Our apologies to those jerky makers, where jerky makers have been jumping the queue by sending us jerky for review directly to Canada.
Submitted Jerky Bags
Unique Submitted Jerky Bags reviewed: 762 (April 01/2019 – 500)
The Jerky Shrine is slowly taking shape. While we have been overloaded with jerky to review, we are starting to make progress in clearing out our jerky inventory. Rarely I am informed on what types jerky flavors will be submitted, where each time it is a surprise. New to that this year is asking for jerky paraphernalia to be submitted, which makes each jerky delivery that more surprising and awesome.
Jerky Shrine Bag Counter
Jerky Shrine Bags: 1806 (April 01/2019 – 1,264)
Jerky Shrine Brand Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands: 496 (April 01/2019 – 287)
Jerky Shrine Brand On Display Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands: 137 (April 01/2019 – 48)
We are proud of offering great exposure, giving the opportunity to get each and every jerky brand known to the market and community in this probably 3 Billion Dollars annual sales jerky industry. The jerky industry has a broad presence on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. As a general rule, jerky makers with high social media activity have good to great tasting jerky.
As listed below, you will find various statistics of our accomplishments in becoming the most detailed jerky review web site in the world.
Submitted Jerky Bags
Unique Submitted Jerky Bags reviewed: 762 (April 01/2019 – 500)
Jerky Review Counter
Jerky Reviews: 1164 (April 01/2019 – 703)
Jerky Brand Counter
Jerky Brands reviewed: 375 (April 01/2019 – 210)
Jerky Distributor Counter
Jerky Distributors reviewed: 357 (April 01/2019 – 205)
Jerky Tag Counter
Jerky Tags created: 1182 (April 01/2019 – 745)
Jerky Category Counter
Jerky Categories created: 75 (April 01/2019 – 61)
Cost of Jerky Bags
Jerky Bags cost: $9243.40 (April 01/2019 – $5386.23)
Jerky Bags Counter
Unique Jerky Bags acquired: 1246 (April 01/2019 – 777)
Jerky Brand Submitted Counter
Jerky Brands Submitted For Review: 162 (April 01/2019 – 107)
Jerky Ingredient Counter
Jerky Ingredients reviewed: 964 (April 01/2019 – 752)
Jerky Flavor Name Counter
Jerky Flavor Names reviewed: 690 (April 01/2019 – 456)
Jerky Flavor Counter
Jerky Flavor Tags reviewed: 74 (April 01/2019 – 61)
Total Weight of Jerky
- Grams 103,686 (April 01/2019 – 61,280)
- Ounces 3,661 (April 01/2019 – 2,162)
- Pounds 228.8 (April 01/2019 – 135.1)
- Kilograms 103.8 (April 01/2019 – 61.3)
Jerky Brands: www.jerkyingredients.com/jerky-brands
Jerky Tags/Categories: www.jerkyingredients.com/jerky-tags
Jerky Counters: www.jerkyingredients.com/counters-2
Jerky Flavors: www.jerkyingredients.com/flavours-3/
Jerky Types: www.jerkyingredients.com/jerky-types/