Ten years later, we are still publishing jerky reviews. We still have plenty of inventory to review, with enough jerky to last until the Fall. Over the last couple of years, the focus has shifted to purchased jerky rather than jerky submissions. Of course, we are always open to receiving jerky submissions. Coming in 2024 is jerky purchased from Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois, along with some new Canadian jerky brands. We regularly publish one review weekly, with the occasional week having two jerky reviews.
We are proud of offering great exposure, allowing us to get every jerky brand known to the market and community in this probably 3 Billion Dollars annual sales jerky industry. The jerky industry has a broad presence on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Generally, jerky makers with high social media activity have good to great tasting jerky.
As listed below, you will find various statistics of our accomplishments in becoming the most thorough jerky review web site in the world.
Jerky Review Counter
Jerky Reviews: 1154 (January 01/2024 – 1060)
Jerky Brand Counter
Jerky Brands reviewed: 368 (January 01/2024 – 311)
Jerky Distributor Counter
Jerky Distributors reviewed: 350 (January 01/2024 – 301)
Jerky Tag Counter
Jerky Tags created: 1155 (January 01/2024 – 1020)
Jerky Category Counter
Jerky Categories created: 73 (January 01/2024 – 72)
Cost of Jerky Bags
Jerky Bags cost: $9133.97 (January 01/2024 – $8187.25)
Jerky Bags Counter
Unique Jerky Bags acquired: 1236 (January 01/2024 – 1142)
Jerky Brand Submitted Counter
Jerky Brands Submitted For Review: 162 (January 01/2024 – 155)
Submitted Jerky Bags
Unique Submitted Jerky Bags reviewed: 760 (January 01/2024 – 730)
Jerky Ingredient Counter
Jerky Ingredients reviewed: 961 (January 01/2024 – 918)
Jerky Flavor Name Counter
Jerky Flavor Names reviewed: 687 (January 01/2024 – 652)
Jerky Flavor Counter
Jerky Flavor Tags reviewed: 74 (January 01/2024 – 74)
Total Weight of Jerky
- Grams 102,853 (January 01/2024 – 93,793)
- Ounces 3,632 (January 01/2024 – 3,310)
- Pounds 227.0 (January 01/2024 – 206.8)
- Kilograms 103.0 (January 01/2024 – 93.8)
Jerky Brands: www.jerkyingredients.com/jerky-brands
Jerky Tags/Categories: www.jerkyingredients.com/jerky-tags
Jerky Counters: www.jerkyingredients.com/counters-2
Jerky Flavors: www.jerkyingredients.com/flavours-3/
Jerky Types: www.jerkyingredients.com/jerky-types/
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