My wife Stephanie (Birdie), son Joshua, and I’s trip to New Jersey to visit my wife’s cousin’s family was a success over the holidays. This time, seven of the eleven jerky maker submissions came through, although one arrived on the day we left. In total, 47 unique bags were accumulated, introducing 27 new jerky brands and three new jerky types (shark/alpaca/cod). This was my first time back in New Jersey since 2019.
Despite checking dozens of stores on the trip, only two bags of jerky were purchased, not including some bags of jerky from the Beef Jerky Outlet store. Having reviewed over 350 jerky brands, finding new jerky brands in stores gets more challenging. Disappointedly, the vast majority of the stores had only Jack Link’s and Slim Jim available in the Newark and Rutherford area.
On this trip, I focused on buying jerky online from Walmart and Amazon, which is far easier than driving around aimlessly looking for new jerky brands. Plus, the shipping was free for Amazon using my wife’s Amazon Prime account, and Walmart offered free shipping from December 25 to 31.
A special thanks to Vermont’s Farmhouse Jerky, 3 Elizabeth’s Guinness Steak Strips, Mike’s Meaty Jerky, Bubba MoSho Jerky, Double Bogey Beef Jerky, and Greenport Jerky Company for their jerky submissions and contributions to the Jerky Shrine, helping us get over 450 Jerky Shrine Brands. An honorable mention to Summit Jerky, whose jerky submission arrived one day too late.
Only one jerky brand purchased on this trip to New Jersey was a big brand. All other brands acquired are considered craft jerky brands, continuing that trend since my 2024 California trip, getting back to my roots.
After doing jerky reviews for eleven years, I purchased a bag from Wyoming Authentic when I got home. That leaves just six states not reviewed yet: Alabama, Delaware, Maine, Mississippi, New Hampshire, and North Dakota, as a stated goal to review.
Our next trip to the USA will be to California in May 2025 for my mother-in-law’s 85th birthday. If any jerky maker is interested in submitting their jerky on that trip, email us at
Below is a list of jerky brands acquired on this trip to New Jersey, which will keep Paul, sometimes with Stéphane, and me busy in the first half of 2025.
- Vermont’s Farmhouse Jerky (submitted)
- 3 Elizabeths (submitted)
- Double Bogey Beef Jerky (submitted)
- Mike’s Meaty Jerky (submitted)
- Bubba MoSho Jerky (submitted)
- Greenport Jerky Company (submitted)
- Fatty
- Brooklyn Biltong
- Kaimana Jerky
- Cedar Creek Beef Jerky
- Bezerky Jerky
- Papa Dan’s Jerky
- Beef Jerky Outlet
- Climax Jerky
- BeefCake Jerky
- Five Star Jerky
- Nordic Snacks
- Wenzel’s Farms
- Supreme Beef Jerky
- Clean Jerky Co.
- Pap’s Beef Jerky
- R-C Ranch
- Rickey’s Beef Jerky
- Carne Seca
- Jailhouse Beef Jerky
- Jerky.Com
- Ostrim
- Bull’s
As listed below, you will find various statistics of our accomplishments in becoming the world’s most thorough jerky review website.
Jerky Shrine Bag Counter
Jerky Shrine Bags: 1801 (January 03/2025 – 1784)
Jerky Shrine Brands Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands: 471 (January 03/2025 – 466)
Jerky Shrine Brands Display Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands Display: 112 (January 03/2025 – 109)
Jerky Review Counter
Jerky Reviews: 1169 (January 03/2025 – 1146)
Jerky Brand Counter
Jerky Brands reviewed: 378 (January 03/2025 – 362)
Jerky Distributor Counter
Jerky Distributors reviewed: 360 (January 03/2025 – 344)
Jerky Tag Counter
Jerky Tags created: 1190 (January 03/2025 – 1142)
Jerky Category Counter
Jerky Categories created: 75 (January 03/2025 – 72)
Cost of Jerky Bags
Jerky Bags cost: $9285.87 (January 03/2025 – $9045.32)
Jerky Bags Counter
Unique Jerky Bags acquired: 1251 (January 03/2025 – 1228)
Jerky Brand Submitted Counter
Jerky Brands Submitted For Review: 162 (January 03/2025 – 158)
Submitted Jerky Bags
Unique Submitted Jerky Bags reviewed: 764 (January 03/2025 – 755)
Jerky Ingredient Counter
Jerky Ingredients reviewed: 970 (January 03/2025 – 957)
Jerky Flavor Name Counter
Jerky Flavor Names reviewed: 693 (January 03/2025 – 682)
Jerky Flavor Counter
Jerky Flavor Tags reviewed: 74 (January 03/2025 – 74)
Total Weight of Jerky
- Grams 104,015 (January 03/2025 – 102,181)
- Ounces 3,673 (January 03/2025 – 3,608)
- Pounds 229.5 (January 03/2025 – 225.5)
- Kilograms 104.1 (January 03/2025 – 102.3)
Jerky Brands
Jerky Tags/Categories
Jerky Counters
Jerky Flavors
Jerky Types
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