It took us over eleven years to accumulate 75 jerky categories. Using the programming language PHP and, for example, the open source database MySQL interacting with WordPress, I can neatly organize the jerky tags and jerky categories under each jerky review with a little bit of creative computer programming and SQL database scripts with each review.
In WordPress, a category is more generalized, and a tag is more descriptive. I learned the hard way that WordPress has a limit of around 100 categories, while tags are limitless. Early on, when I started this jerky review website, I classified flavors as a category instead of a tag. After about two years, I hit the limit for categories, where the website stopped working. That forced me to revisit over 100 jerky reviews to convert all flavor categories to flavor tags.
As it stands now, I only create new jerky categories for a new jerky type introduced. While we have reviewed 31 different jerky types so far, some missing jerky types missing on our radar are yak, antelope, reindeer, emu, pheasant, swordfish, trout, marlin, clam, squid, shrimp, mako shark, kelp, and insect (maybe).
Jerky Category Counter
Jerky Categories: 75 (March 12/2025 – 75)
The Jerky Shrine is maturing. We have over 110 jerky brands on display, over 470 jerky brands, and over 1800 jerky bags.
Jerky Shrine Brand Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands: 471 (March 12/2025 – 470)
Jerky Shrine Bag Counter
Jerky Shrine Bags: 1801 (March 12/2025 – 1,801)
Jerky Shrine Brand On Display Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands On Display: 112 (March 12/2025 – 111)
Jerky Shrine Brand Wall #1 Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands Wall #1: 48 (March 12/2025 – 47)
Jerky Shrine Brand Cork Board #1 Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands Cork Board #1: 30 (March 12/2025 – 30)
Jerky Shrine Brand Cork Board #2 Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands Cork Board #2: 34 (March 12/2025 – 34)
Jerky Shrine Brand Closet Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands Closet: 25 (March 12/2025 – 25)
2019 Jerky Shrine Debut
Jerky Shrine Home
We are proud of offering great exposure, giving the opportunity to get
each and every jerky brand known to the market and community in 2023, estimated to be 4.4 billion dollars annual sales jerky industry. The jerky industry has a broad presence on Facebook and Instagram. As a general rule, jerky makers with high social media activity have good to great tasting jerky.
As listed below, you will find various statistics of our accomplishments in becoming the most detailed jerky review website in the world.
Jerky Distributor Counter
Jerky Distributors: 360 (March 12/2025 – 357)
Jerky Review Counter
Jerky Reviews: 1169 (March 12/2025 – 1,164)
Jerky Brand Counter
Jerky Brands reviewed: 378 (March 12/2025 – 375)
Jerky Tag Counter
Jerky Tags created: 1190 (March 12/2025 – 1,182)
Jerky Category Counter
Jerky Categories created: 75 (March 12/2025 – 75)
Cost of Jerky Bags
Jerky Bags cost: $9285.87 (March 12/2025 – $9243.40)
Jerky Bags Counter
Unique Jerky Bags acquired: 1251 (March 12/2025 – 1,246)
Jerky Brand Submitted Counter
Jerky Brands Submitted For Review: 162 (March 12/2025 – 162)
Submitted Jerky Bags
Unique Submitted Jerky Bags reviewed: 764 (March 12/2025 – 762)
Jerky Ingredient Counter
Jerky Ingredients reviewed: 970 (March 12/2025 – 964)
Jerky Flavor Name Counter
Jerky Flavor Names reviewed: 693 (March 12/2025 – 690)
Jerky Flavor Counter
Jerky Flavor Tags reviewed: 74 (March 12/2025 – 74)
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