While this milestone took almost 6 1/2 years to accomplish, we have now reviewed 800 jerky ingredients. I started this jerky bag collection back in 2008. By the time we started this jerky review web site in January 2014, we were up to around 550 ingredients. Never did I ever think that we would reach 800 jerky ingredients. Managing these 800 jerky ingredients is practically a part-time job in itself. Admittedly, the ingredients need work, which will be done in due time.
Jerky Ingredients Reviewed
Jerky Ingredients reviewed: 963 (May 15/2020 – 800)
Since this COVID-19 outbreak, there have been some challenges for jerky makers. Most importantly, the price of beef skyrocketed. As a result, several jerky makers went out of business, or some put their jerky business on hold until the cost of meats normalized. In good news, just this week, I am starting to see jerky makers post on social media that the price of beef is beginning to come down.
Early on into COVID-19, Canada was blocking some international countries from sending us jerky. Thankfully, about three weeks ago, those restrictions were removed. All along, USA jerky makers have had no problems submitting their jerky. In addition to shipping fees, it is getting expensive for jerky makers to submit jerky for review due to the high cost of beef.
The Jerky Shrine is starting to mature after debuting in January 2019. One wall was dedicated to jerky paraphernalia, where corkboard has been attached to the entire wall. Perhaps coming later this year is a new corkboard. Jerky Shrine Corkboards #1 and #2 are getting pretty full. The Jerky Shrine closet is starting to evolve. You never know what to expect with each jerky maker submission.
Jerky Shrine Brand Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands: 494 (August 13/2019 – 326)
Jerky Shrine Bag Counter
Jerky Shrine Bags: 1803 (August 13/2019 – 1,422)
Jerky Shrine Brand On Display Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands On Display: 136 (August 13/2019 – 78)
Jerky Shrine Brand Wall #1 Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands Wall #1: 47 (August 13/2019 – 13)
Jerky Shrine Brand Cork Board #1 Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands Cork Board #1: 30 (August 13/2019 – 29)
Jerky Shrine Brand Cork Board #2 Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands Cork Board #2: 34 (August 13/2019 – 33)
Jerky Shrine Brand Closet Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands Closet: 25 (August 13/2019 – 17)
We are proud of offering great exposure, giving the opportunity to get each and every jerky brand known to the market and community in this probably 3 Billion Dollars annual sales jerky industry. The jerky industry has a broad presence on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. As a general rule, jerky makers with high social media activity have good to great tasting jerky.
As listed below, you will find various statistics of our accomplishments in becoming the most detailed jerky review web site in the world.
Jerky Ingredient Counter
Jerky Ingredients reviewed: 963 (May 15/2020 – 800)
Jerky Review Counter
Jerky Reviews: 1157 (May 15/2020 – 837)
Jerky Brand Counter
Jerky Brands reviewed: 370 (May 15/2020 – 241)
Jerky Distributor Counter
Jerky Distributors reviewed: 352 (May 15/2020 – 235)
Jerky Tag Counter
Jerky Tags created: 1161 (May 15/2020 – 828)
Jerky Category Counter
Jerky Categories created: 74 (May 15/2020 – 69)
Cost of Jerky Bags
Jerky Bags cost: $9173.94 (May 15/2020 – $6332.02)
Jerky Bags Counter
Unique Jerky Bags acquired: 1239 (May 15/2020 – 919)
Jerky Brand Submitted Counter
Jerky Brands Submitted For Review: 162 (May 15/2020 – 128)
Jerky Flavor Name Counter
Jerky Flavor Names reviewed: 687 (May 15/2020 – 541)
Jerky Flavor Counter
Jerky Flavor Tags reviewed: 74 (May 15/2020 – 67)
Total Weight of Jerky
- Grams 103,110 (May 15/2020 – 73,726)
- Ounces 3,641 (May 15/2020 – 2,597)
- Pounds 227.6 (May 15/2020 – 162.3)
- Kilograms 103.2 (May 15/2020 – 73.6)
Jerky Brands: www.jerkyingredients.com/jerky-brands
Jerky Tags/Categories: www.jerkyingredients.com/jerky-tags
Jerky Counters: www.jerkyingredients.com/counters-2
Jerky Flavors: www.jerkyingredients.com/flavours-3/
Jerky Types: www.jerkyingredients.com/jerky-types/
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