What started out in 2007 as saving jerky bags for ideas on what ingredients to use on my homemade jerky has now grown to 1600 jerky bags. In 2019, the Jerky Shrine officially debuted, and we are getting closer to having 100 jerky brands on display. In general, the quality of jerky has improved dramatically since 2007. Despite there being hard times, new jerky brands continue to launch on a regular basis worldwide.
Inflation is catching up with jerky, where in 2022, we easily saw the most significant increase in jerky prices year to year. In previous years, the focus was primarily on reviewing submitted jerky bags. In 2023, the focus has purposely shifted to primarily reviewing purchased jerky bags, or at least in the first half of 2023.
Jerky Shrine Bag Counter
Jerky Shrine Bags: 1798 (April 18/2023 – 1,600)
Jerky Shrine Brand Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands: 468 (April 18/2023 – 378)
Jerky Shrine Brand On Display Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands On Display: 110 (April 18/2023 – 91)
Jerky Shrine Brand Wall #1 Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands Wall #1: 47 (April 18/2023 – 31)
Jerky Shrine Brand Cork Board #1 Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands Cork Board #1: 30 (April 18/2023 – 29)
Jerky Shrine Brand Cork Board #2 Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands Cork Board #2: 34 (April 18/2023 – 32)
Jerky Shrine Brand Closet Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands Closet: 25 (April 18/2023 – 22)
The types of jerky paraphernalia donated to the Jerky Shrine continues to grow and surprise. We are already up to 30 unique types of items contributed to the Jerky Shrine.
Jerky Shrine Item Counter
Jerky Shrine Items: 39 (March 09/2020 – 37)
Jerky Shrine Items |
Baseball Cap |
Business Card |
Coaster |
Cup Holder |
Decal |
Dental Flosser |
Discount Voucher |
Drinking Cup |
Envelope |
Flashlight |
Football |
Hoodie |
Hot Sauce Packet |
Information Brochure |
Jerky Bag |
Jerky Box |
Jerky Sampler |
Key Chain |
Lanyard |
Magnet |
Oxygen Absorber |
Paper Jerky Bag |
Pitmasater BBQ Shirt |
Plastic Insert |
Plastic Jerky Bag |
Pouch |
Price List |
Sandals |
Sleeping Eye Mask |
Socks |
Sticker |
Stress Ball |
Styrofoam Tray |
Sunglasses |
T-Shirt |
Thank You Card |
Toque |
Tote Bag |
Wrist Band |
Jerky Shrine Binder Counter
Jerky Shrine Binders: 49 (March 09/2020 – 44)
Jerky Shrine Binders |
Red; Game Jerky; Retired |
Blue; Turkey Jerky; Retired |
Blue; Organic Jerky |
Red/Yellow Flower Blue; International Beef Jerky Submissions |
Blue; Asian Jerky |
Green; Buffalo Jerky |
Blue; Turkey Jerky |
Black; Bird Jerky Excluding Turkey |
Black; Biltong |
Blue; Fish Jerky |
Blue; Vegan Jerky |
Black; Bacon Jerky |
Red; Pork Jerky |
Green; Game Jerky |
Black; Smokehhouse Jerky Co. Submissions |
Black; Sierra Madre Provisions Co. Submissions |
Black; USA Jerky Purchases |
Blue; USA Jerky Purchases |
Black; Online USA Jerky Purchases |
White; USA Jerky Purchases |
Blue/Black; USA Jerky Submissions; Retired |
White; USA Jerky Submissions; Retired |
White; USA Jerky Submissions; Retired |
White; USA Jerky Submissions; Retired |
White; USA Beef Jerky Submissions; Retired |
Blue; USA Beef Jerky Submissions; Retired |
Black; USA Jerky Submissions |
Green; USA Jerky Submissions |
Green; USA Big Brand Jerky Purchases |
Maroon; USA Big Brand Jerky Purchases; Retired |
Pink; USA Jerky Purchases; Retired |
White; USA Big Brand Jerky Purchases |
Green; USA Jerky Purchases; Retired |
Pink; USA Jerky Purchases; Retired |
Green; California Jerky Purchases |
Green; California Jerky Purchases; Retired |
Green; New York/New Jersey/Pennsylvania Jerky Purchases |
Pink; Canadian Big Brand Beef Jerky Purchases |
Teal; Canadian Beef Jerky Purchases; Retired |
Blue; Canadian Beef Jerky Submissions |
Blue; Canadian Beef Jerky Purchases |
White; Canadian Beef Jerky Submissions; Retired |
Black; Jeff’s Famous Jerky Submissions |
Blue; Country Archer and Beef Jerky Outlet |
Blue; Canadian Purchases |
Blue; Smokehhouse Jerky Co. Meat Stick Submissions |
White; Wild Bill Jerky Purchases |
Blue; Maulicious Jerky Submissions |
White; Pork Jerky |
Jerky Ingredients Database Table Counter
Jerky Ingredients Database Tables: 17 (March 09/2020 – 17)
Jerky Ingredients Database Tables |
Bag |
Bag Category |
Bag Ingredient |
Bag Tag |
Brand |
Distributor |
Flavor |
Ingredient |
Jerky Category |
Jerky Ingredients Database Table |
Jerky Shrine Maker |
Jerky Shrine Maker Binder |
Jerky Shrine Maker Closet |
Jerky Shrine Maker Item |
Jerky Tag |
Jerky Type |
Private Label |
Almost regardless of the type of jerky paraphernalia, it will be welcomed into the JERKY SHRINE. The most noticeable exception to not being displayed in the JERKY SHRINE is that we must have tried the jerky brand jerky. Other exceptions are invoices with personal notes, handwritten letters, and typed letters, where these non-displayable items will be stored in binders inside the JERKY SHRINE.
We are proud of offering great exposure, giving the opportunity to get each and every jerky brand known to the market and community in this probably 3 Billion Dollars annual sales jerky industry. The jerky industry has a broad presence on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. As a general rule, jerky makers with high social media activity have good to great tasting jerky.
As listed below, you will find various statistics of our accomplishments in becoming the most detailed jerky review web site in the world.
1,600 Jerky Shrine Bags DETAILS
Jerky Shrine Bag Counter
Jerky Shrine Bags: 1798 (April 18/2023 – 1,600)
Jerky Shrine Brand Counter
Jerky Shrine Brands: 468 (April 18/2023 – 378)
Jerky Review Counter
Jerky Reviews: 1156 (April 18/2023 – 1016)
Jerky Brand Counter
Jerky Brands reviewed: 369 (April 18/2023 – 301)
Jerky Distributor Counter
Jerky Distributors reviewed: 351 (April 18/2023 – 290)
Jerky Tag Counter
Jerky Tags created: 1157 (April 18/2023 – 988)
Jerky Category Counter
Jerky Categories created: 74 (April 18/2023 – 72)
Jerky Type Counter
Jerky Types reviewed: 30 (April 18/2023 – 28)
Cost of Jerky Bags
Jerky Bags cost: $9160.45 (April 18/2023 – $7843.37)
Jerky Bags Counter
Unique Jerky Bags acquired: 1238 (April 18/2023 – 1098)
Jerky Brand Submitted Counter
Jerky Brands Submitted For Review: 162 (April 18/2023 – 153)
Submitted Jerky Bags
Unique Submitted Jerky Bags reviewed: 761 (April 18/2023 – 717)
Jerky Ingredient Counter
Jerky Ingredients reviewed: 963 (April 18/2023 – 885)
Jerky Flavor Name Counter
Jerky Flavor Names reviewed: 687 (April 18/2023 – 635)
Jerky Flavor Counter
Jerky Flavor Tags reviewed: 74 (April 18/2023 – 72)
Total Weight of Jerky
- Grams 103,024 (April 18/2023 – 90,032)
- Ounces 3,638 (April 18/2023 – 3,167)
- Pounds 227.4 (April 18/2023 – 197.9)
- Kilograms 103.1 (April 18/2023 – 89.8)
Jerky Brands: www.jerkyingredients.com/jerky-brands
Jerky Tags/Categories: www.jerkyingredients.com/jerky-tags
Jerky Counters: www.jerkyingredients.com/counters-2
Jerky Flavors: www.jerkyingredients.com/flavours-3/
Jerky Types: www.jerkyingredients.com/jerky-types/
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