Carson’s Grandpa jerky, around at least fifteen years now, is known for its hearty, Western-style jerky with simple and robust flavors. It’s primarily available in local convenience stores, truck stops, and tourist locations around Bakersfield, rather than through online ordering. Carson’s Grandpa flavors and local availability make it a popular choice among travelers and jerky enthusiasts looking for a unique, Bakersfield-based option.
The brand offers popular flavors such as Garlic and Peppered. The Garlic variety stands out with a prominent garlic-forward taste, complemented by soy and teriyaki undertones, while their Peppered jerky is known for a dry, peppery crust and larger, rugged pieces, akin to popular brands like Jack Links. This Carson’s Grandpa jerky brand is distributed under the name Dias Jr Distributor and is located in Bakersfield, California. This Carson’s Grandpa jerky brand is manufactured by the private label company Werner Gourmet Meat Snacks Inc., and is located in Tillamook, Oregon. That makes this a stock recipe.
The first review on Carson’s Grandpa will focus on a 3 ounce/85 gram bag of Honey Peppered flavored beef jerky. This bag was purchased at a gas station in Bakersfield, California.
Ingredient Review
Ingredients: Beef, Brown Sugar, Honey, Sea Salt, Spices, White Vinegar, Celery Powder, Gluten Free Soy Sauce (Water, Soybeans, Salt). Allergen Warnings: Soy
The beef used is not guaranteed to be free of growth hormones or additional antibiotics. Also, the beef is not guaranteed to have at least partial free range access to graze on grass. As a result, the highest ingredient rating that can be awarded is a Good (8/10) rating.
The liquid marinade is comprised of healthy honey, healthy white vinegar, and a good brand of gluten free soy sauce.
The only healthy ingredients added are spices.
The sugar level is sky high at 10 grams of sugar per 28 grams of jerky to lose a rating. Our preference is 5 grams of sugar or under per 28 grams of jerky for a sweet based flavor as we have here. The salt level is high at 660mg of salt per 28 grams of jerky. However, the salt level is ignored because healthy, minimally processed sea salt is added.
This jerky does qualify to have no sodium nitrite or other similar unhealthy preservatives. Instead, sea salt and, to a lesser degree, celery powder act as the main preservatives. Admirably, there is no MSG added.
Decent (7/10) – Ingredient Rating
Taste Review
Written by guest jerky reviewer Paul Rekker
When I open the bag I really don’t smell anything. The pieces vary in size, and they are sliced to a medium thickness. The jerky is close to soft and pliable, not as our forefathers intended. There is no oily residue left on your fingers.
When I bite into the jerky I immediately taste salt, at a mild level, sweet, a little too much for my liking, but well within reason. I also taste the pepper, it is at a decent level, not as intense as I would like, but peppery just the same. In this particular slice, I am picking up on an ever so slight kick, which enhances the flavor. I am picking up more on the pepper than the honey, which to me is a very good thing.
This jerky is not mind bending, but it is a favorable experience, wavering in between an 8 or a 9. However, I would conclude it is closer to a 9 than an 8, so 9/10 it is.
Here is what Mark had to say about this Honey Peppered beef jerky flavor from Carson’s Grandpa: “Thanks Paul for the candid taste review. This bag has two flavor names listed: Honey Peppered and Peppered. Based on the flavor taste, the honey is at a light level. I thought that the peppered taste was at a decent level. What bothered me about this flavor was the processed flavor of beef, which is at a high level.”
“This jerky is advertised as having a texture akin to Jack Link’s, and this texture absolutely resembles the texture of Jack Link’s jerky strips. The sweetness level is too high for my liking, but that is an arguable point. With myself at a 7 rating and Paul at a 9 rating, a Good (8/10) taste rating will be awarded.”
This 3 ounce/85 gram bag of jerky sells for $8.99, which equates to $3.00 an ounce. That rates as a borderline cheap price.
Bag Review
This plastic resealable bag has a label affixed to the front and back. A picture is displayed of cowboys on horses in front of the sun rising.
There are no slogans printed on this bag. Some facts printed are “Natural Wood Smoked”, “Made with Sea Salt”, “All Natural”, “No Artificial Ingredients”, and “Minimally Processed”.
Some missing bag categories are a blurb about Carson’s Grandpa or this flavor and a company website.
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