The 365 brand is sold at the popular organic store Whole Foods Market. This 3 ounce/85 gram bag of original flavor is no exception, being organic. The 365 brand of jerky is only sold in the USA, not in Canada, or at least not in Ontario.
This bag was bought in 2013 at a Whole Foods store while visiting Cambridge, Massachusetts. Whole Foods was started back in 1980 with one small store in Austin, Texas. Today, they are the world’s leader in selling natural and organic foods, with more than 360 stores in North America and the United Kingdom. They have a commitment to sustainable agriculture. They even trademarked the saying “America’s Healthiest Grocery Store”.
Ingredient Review
Ingredients: Organic Beef, Organic Evaporated Cane Juice, Water, Organic Soy Sauce (Water, Organic Soybeans, Salt, Organic Alcohol), Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Salt, Organic Paprika, Natural Smoke Flavoring, Organic Black Pepper, Organic Onion Powder, Organic Garlic Powder Allergen Warnings: Soy
Any organic meat will receive a higher rating by default. There are strict rules raising livestock to be certified organic. The vast majority of this ingredient list has organic items. It does explicitly state on the bag that the beef is raised ethically without antibiotics or growth hormones.
The liquid marinade is made up of organic evaporated cane juice, water, a very good organic soy sauce, and very healthy organic apple cider vinegar. Organic evaporated cane juice is one of the better sweeteners out there.
There are several healthy spices used such as organic paprika, natural smoke flavoring, organic black pepper, organic onion powder, and organic garlic powder.
The sugar level is a little on the high side at 5 grams of sugar per 28 grams of jerky. Our preference is 3 grams of sugar and under. The salt level is reasonable, only slightly higher than the recommended 250mg of salt.
This jerky does qualify to have no sodium nitrite, or any other similar unhealthy preservative. Instead, salt is the main preservative used, and to a lesser extent the organic apple cider vinegar. Admirably, this jerky also qualifies to have no MSG added.
Very Good (9/10) – Ingredient Rating
Taste Review
The taste is pretty mild, but that should be expected for an original flavor. The slices are medium thickness, and easy to chew, not being overly dry. It’s the type of jerky that kids just love to eat, not so much myself. I did not find the jerky overly salty or sweet. There was not too much fat on the jerky.
This 3 ounce/85 gram bag of jerky cost $7.29 which works out to $2.43 per ounce. That would rate as expensive, but that would be expected for organic jerky.
Bag Review
This is a professional looking bag on the front and back. There is a USDA Organic symbol, plus a Quality Assurance International certified organic symbol.
There are no slogans on this bag. Some facts printed on this bag are “Natural Smoke Flavoring Added”, “High Protein”, “Low Fat”, and “Beef Raised Without Antibiotics or Growth Hormones”.
All bag categories are covered. There is a weak, but somewhat clever song that you are asked to sing next time you’re “home on the range”.
Oh, give me a snack |
I can fit in my pack |
Made with beef that’s organically raised |
It’s seasoned just right that when you take a bite |
By the flavor you will be amazed |
Our jerky’s superb |
Low in fat and with protein so high |
That’s when hunger is strong, just remember this song |
Eat beef jerky – it will satisfy |
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