The next review on Lawless Jerky will be on a 2 ounce/57 gram bag of their Honey Chipotle flavored 100% grass-fed beef jerky. This jerky was graciously submitted by the founder and CEO, Matt Tolnick.
The Lawless Jerky brand name is distributed by Lawless Jerky LLC, located in Santa Monica, California. Matt, a former attorney, bravely left his practice, and launched the Lawless Jerky brand name in 2013. In Matt’s words “he had the courage to run from the make jerky!” The trademark for Lawless Jerky is “A Braver Flavor™”, and another slogan is “So good, it should be illegal!”. Their signature for us is that Lawless Jerky commendably uses 100% grass-fed beef.
Ingredient Review
Ingredients: 100% Grass Fed Beef, BBQ Sauce (Water, Honey, Tomato Paste, Cane Sugar, Dehydrated Cane Juice, Vinegar, Salt, Molasses, Spices (Black Pepper, Chili Powder, Mustard, Celery, Turmeric, Cloves), Onion, Natural Smoke Flavor), Worcestershire Sauce (Distilled White Vinegar, Molasses, Water, Sugar, Onions, Anchovies, Salt, Garlic, Cloves, Tamarind Extract, Natural Flavorings, Chili Pepper Extract), Apple Cider Vinegar, Brown Sugar, Liquid Hickory Smoke (Water, Natural Hickory Smoke Concentrate), Chipotle Pepper, Salt, Garlic, Paprika, Black Pepper. Allergen Warnings: Anchovies.
This 100% grass-fed beef is sourced from a reputable farm in Australia. For a detailed explanation on the virtues of consuming 100% grass-fed beef compared to grain-fed beef, you can read the “Just How Natural is Your ‘All-Natural’ Beef Jerky?” article written by Matt.
This liquid marinade consists of barbecue sauce, Worcestershire sauce, apple cider vinegar, and liquid hickory smoke. The barbecue sauce has an interesting, and a relatively healthy ingredient list. This brand of Worcestershire sauce also has a healthy ingredient list. Apple cider vinegar is well known to offer multiple health benefits.
Chipotle Pepper being spicy is healthy if eaten in moderation. Other very healthy spices used are black pepper, chili powder, turmeric, cloves, and paprika. As an added bonus, garlic is added, which many people consider to be a superfood.
The sugar level is on the high side at 8 grams of sugar per 28 grams of jerky. With this being a sweet & spicy based flavor, the preference is 5 grams of sugar or less. The salt level is reasonable at 300mg of salt per 28 grams of jerky.
As advertised, there is no sodium nitrite used, or any other similar unhealthy preservative. Instead, salt is the main preservative. With more kudos to Lawless Jerky, their jerky has no MSG added.
Very Good (9/10) – Ingredient Rating
Taste Review
These strips of jerky are mainly small in size, and sliced to a medium thickness. This jerky has a great dry texture, which surprisingly is quite easy to chew. There are no visible signs of fat, and handling this jerky leaves no oily residue on your fingers. The surface of these strips are visibly and liberally coated with spices.
The first taste detected is the barbecue sauce, which tastes quite good. This honey chipotle flavor is advertised as a two peppers out of four peppers in the heat scale on the bag. That claim is about perfect, where there is certainly some heat with this flavor.
The sweetness level is reasonable, where you would not want it to be sweeter tasting. There is a light smoked flavor that mixes well with the Worcestershire sauce. This jerky is slightly tangy tasting from the apple cider vinegar. The saltiness level is moderate, and there is a faint peppery taste. The only minor complaint is that the taste of honey is not overly strong tasting, for a flavor advertised as honey chipotle.
A 2 ounce/57 gram bag sells online for $6.99. That equates to $3.50 an ounce, which rates as an expensive price. If you order all six flavors online, the price is $34.99, which works out to $2.92 an ounce. You pay for quality, and 100% grass-fed beef is as good as it gets. This flavor tastes great, and this jerky is certainly worth your money.
Very Good (9/10) – Taste Rating
Bag Review
While the trademark for Lawless Jerky is “A Braver Flavor!”, it could also be “A Braver Bag”. Unusually, this bag opens vertically, as opposed to horizontally. Everything is imprinted directly on the bag, both the front and back. There are no labels affixed to this bag except for a best before date sticker on the back.
There is a graphic displayed on the front of lady justice, peaking through a band around her head, suggesting that justice is not always blind. The Lawless Jerky logo is interesting. It is an upside down balance scale, symbolic of Matt turning his law profession on its head when he became a jerky maker instead.
There are some facts displayed on this bag such as “Braver Flavor”, “Handcrafted”, “Made with 100% Grass-Fed Beef”, “Authentic Flavors”, “No Corn Syrup”, “No Nitrites”, and “No Nitrates”.
All bag categories are covered with this bag except for one. There is no transparent window to view the actual jerky strips. On the back, there is a great blurb written about the Honey Chipotle flavor itself, and about Lawless Jerky.
Order their jerky online:
I thought damn good beef jerky was the best to stuff blows it away Japanese Curry