Yosemite Valley is a premium meat brand specializing in producing high-quality jerky and other beef products. Their operations focus on sustainable practices and the use of mostly organic Black Angus and Wagyu cattle, although that is not confirmed. Yosemite Valley emphasizes food safety and compliance with USDA standards, employing advanced processing methods at its Merced and Los Angeles facilities.
Their jerky products are crafted with an emphasis on flavor and quality, making them a popular choice for consumers looking for premium, locally sourced beef snacks. Yosemite Valley is the leading supplier of quality meat for the Korean-American communities in Southern California and throughout the continental U.S. and Hawaii. This Yosemite Valley jerky brand is distributed under the name California Sungold, located in Oakhurst, California.
The first review on Yosemite Valley will focus on a 3.5 ounce/99.2 gram bag of Peppered flavored beef jerky. This bag was purchased at a Fresh Pond Trading Post in Pollock Pines, California.
Ingredient Review
Ingredients: Beef, Soy Sauce (Water, Wheat, Soybeans, Salt), Teriyaki Sauce (Soy Sauce [Water, Wheat, Soybeans, Salt], Wine, Water, Vinegar, Salt, Spices, Onion Powder, Succinic Acid, Garlic Powder), Brown Sugar, Liquid Smoke, Garlic. Allergen Warnings: Soy, Wheat
The cattle are guaranteed to have partial free range access to graze on grass. The cattle are also ethically raised, meaning that the cows receive no growth hormones or additional antibiotics. As a result, the ingredient rating starts at a Very Good (9/10) rating.
The liquid marinade is comprised of a decent brand of soy sauce, a respected brand of teriyaki sauce, and liquid smoke.
The only healthy ingredients added are spices, which have to include black pepper. Some people call black pepper the King of Spices.
The sugar level is excellent at only 1 gram of sugar per 28 grams of jerky. The salt level is high at 480mg of salt per 28 grams of jerky to a rating. Our preference is 350mg of salt or less per 28 grams of jerky.
This jerky does qualify to have no sodium nitrite or other similar unhealthy preservatives. Instead, the main preservative used is salt. Admirably, there is no MSG added.
Good (8/10) – Ingredient Rating
Taste Review
Written by guest jerky reviewer Paul Rekker
When I open the bag I smell basically nothing. The jerky comes in various sizes, and it is sliced rather thin. It is rigid and dry, just as our forefathers intended, and there is no oily residue.
When I bite into the jerky I immediately taste an intense amount of soy (I am guessing). I am tasting a medium amount of salt and sweet, along with slight garlic. As for the peppered flavor, it is not all that noticeable, it is mediocre at best. While I do not necessarily not enjoy this flavor, it is nowhere near where I was expecting. I was expecting more salt, less sweet, more garlic, and, most importantly, much, much more pepper!!!
I am duly disappointed with this flavor, only because I expected something completely different. Again, an 8/10 flavor wise, for whatever flavor this might be, but more like a 5 or 6/10, based on what I was expecting a peppered flavor to be.
Here is what Mark had to say about this Peppered beef jerky flavor from Yosemite Valley: “Thanks Paul for the candid taste review. True in that the black pepper flavor is not all that prominent tasting. The odd strip has a good level of pepper, but the vast majority do not. It is also true in that these strips are sliced quite thin with a rigid texture. These strips will certainly give your teeth a workout.”
“The flavor of soy is quite strong, which is not for everybody but enjoyable to me. As is often the case, my preference is to have stronger garlic and onion levels. The saltiness was at an average level, no complaints from me. Thankfully, there is minimum sweetness present, which is appreciated. Overall, the taste profile has medium complexity and left me wanting more. With Paul at an 6 rating and myself at an 8 rating, a Decent (7/10) taste rating will be awarded.”
This 3.5 ounce/99.2 gram bag of jerky was purchased for $10.99, which equates to $3.14 an ounce. That rates as an Average price.
Bag Review
This clear, resealable bag has labels affixed to the front and back. The Yosemite Valley logo has a picture of a mountain the background.
There are no slogans printed on this bag. The only fact printed on the bag is “Photo by Kristal Leonard”.
Some missing bag categories are allergen alerts and a blurb about Yosemite Valey or this flavor.
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