Eva Szadeczky founded EVA’s Hungarian & Canadian Deli. They sell unique tasting Hungarian and European naturally smoked sausages (csobai), pepperettes, Serbian sausages, head cheese, tongue, sauerkraut, old fashioned smoked bacon, and much much more, including beef jerky. With no storefront, they sell their products at St Jacobs Market in St Jacobs, Ontario.
EVA’s Hungarian & Canadian Deli operates within the market’s “Market Tent” section and is a staple for visitors seeking traditional Hungarian flavors and high-quality deli items. The market is open year-round on Thursdays and Saturdays, making Eva’s a popular destination for locals and tourists visiting the St Jacobs area. The EVA’s Hungarian & Canadian Deli jerky brand name is distributed under the same name as EVA’s Hungarian & Canadian Deli, and it is located in St Jacobs, Ontario, Canada.
The first review on EVA’s Hungarian & Canadian Deli will focus on a 4 ounce/113 gram bag of their Hot flavoured beef jerky. This bag was purchased at St Jacobs Market in St Jacobs, Ontario, Canada.
Ingredient Review
Ingredients: Unknown
For the first time in nearly eleven years, I could not obtain the ingredient list. I called EVA’s Hungarian & Canadian Deli on multiple occasions, leaving a couple of voicemails. Each time I called, the phone went to voicemail, where the message stated that Eva would call me back shortly. Obviously, customer service is not EVA’s Hungarian & Canadian Deli strong suit.
Alright (6/10) – Ingredient Rating
Taste Review
Written by guest jerky reviewer Paul Rekker
When I open the bag I smell next to nothing. It’s basically just one large piece, sliced to a medium thickness. The jerky is soft(ish) and dry, not perfect, but not bad either. There is no oily residue.
When I bite into the jerky, I immediately taste salt at a high but very tasty level, no sweet, also good pepper, at a decent level, along with a reasonable kick, not too spicy, but very tasty, along with natural beef.
D*mn, as I eat more, this flavour is really growing on me. The heat is accelerating as I eat more, and I am becoming increasingly addicted to this tasty treat. It tastes like “MORE”!!
I see no reason to not give this delectable treat a well-deserved 10/10.
Here is what Mark had to say about this Hot beef jerky flavour from EVA’s Hungarian & Canadian Deli: “Thanks Paul for the positive taste review. I mostly agree with your taste review. The heat gets to a decent level with no burn and it tastes great. The heat level would rate a 2 or 3 out of 5 on a heat scale. Apart from the salt and pepper, there is not much else going on with this flavour. One could say it lacks a ‘wow’ factor with a simple taste profile.”
“One factor that sets this jerky apart is the natural beef flavor, which is a bit above the norm. It also helps that there is not much sweetness present. With the good natural beef flavour bumping up my rating to a 9 and with Paul at a 10, an Excellent (10/10) taste rating will be awarded.”
This 4 ounce/113 gram bag of jerky costs $13.00. That works out to $3.25 an ounce, which rates as an average price.
Excellent (10/10) – Taste Rating
Bag Review
This clear plastic bag is vacuum sealed, which is the best way to keep jerky fresh tasting. This plastic bag has nothing else, there is nothing to review here.
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