For three generations, the Klein family has been making meat snacks. Originally a sausage producer and delicatessen, Alberta Fancy Sausage Ltd. was founded in 1971. When the switch was made from delicatessen to beef jerky manufacturer, Big Chief Meat Snacks new jerky brand evolved. Family-owned, Big Chief Meat Snacks Inc. promotes active lifestyles and a balanced diet. People referred to the founder William Klein as “Big Chief”, and how the Big Chief jerky brand name was adopted. This Big Chief Meat Snacks jerky brand name is distributed under Big Chief Meat Snacks Inc., and it is located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
The next review on Big Chief Meat Snacks will focus on a 2.8 ounce/80 gram bag of their hot flavored chopped and formed beef jerky. This flavor is described as perfect if you want a quick snack that satisfies. This jerky was kindly submitted by Marketing & Social Media Coordinator, Tanner Thompson.
Ingredients: Beef, Salt, Spices and Spice Extracts, Sugar, Monosodium Glutamate, Hydrolyzed Soy Protein, Potato Starch, Sodium Erythorbate, Sodium Nitrite. Allergen Warnings: Soy
The locally sourced beef used from Alberta is not guaranteed to be free of growth hormones or additional antibiotics. The cattle are guaranteed to have at least partial free range access to graze on grass. As a result, the highest ingredient rating that can be awarded is a Very Good (9/10) rating.
The texture of this jerky is chopped and formed. As a result, two ingredient ratings are deducted without a natural whole sliced strip of jerky.
The only healthy ingredients added are spices and spice extractives.
The sugar level is excellent at only 1 gram of sugar per 30 grams of jerky. The salt level is quite high at 590mg of salt per 30 grams of jerky to lose a rating. Our preference is 350mg of salt or less per 28 grams of jerky.
This jerky does not qualify to have no sodium nitrite as both sodium erythorbate, and sodium nitrite are used as preservatives to lose a rating.
This jerky does not qualify to be MSG-free, as the flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate (MSG) is used outright to lose a rating. The highly processed cheap flavor enhancer hydrolyzed soy protein is used to lose another rating.
Bad (3/10) – Ingredient Rating
Taste Review
Written by guest jerky reviewer Paul Rekker
Wow!! When I open the bag, I am met with the weirdest of odours. No matter how many times I sniff into the bag, I cannot figure out what I am smelling. I look at the ingredient list, and it’s no help either. The jerky is uniform in size (ie; chopped and formed’), is thin and rather small, and leaves a very noticeable oily residue on your fingers.
The first flavors I encounter are strong salt, mildly sweet, garlic, other spices that I cannot put my finger on, all pleasant though, and a very decent heat flavour. Darn, it is too bad that this jerky is chopped and formed, because the flavour is immaculate. I cannot find anything wrong with the flavour, but the chopped and formed part usually deters the jerky ‘aficionado’, of which I consider myself one.
However, we here at ‘’ have sworn to honesty and integrity when it comes to the accuracy and allure of the flavor, and this flavor is like ‘crack’, all I want to do is keep eating this jerky. So, based on flavor alone, this must rate as a 10/10, however, because it’s chopped and formed, a 9/10 is acceptable. Gentlemen?
Here is what Stéphane had to say: “The taste and texture of the Big Chief “jerky” is rather greasy, and it feels closer to sausage than jerky. There is a pleasant and reasonable spiciness, but the clove is quite overwhelming. This flavor is propped up with various flavor enhancers and spices where the beef taste slips away.”
“I am not overly enamored with this flavor, and I’d rate it a 7/10 taste rating.”
Here is what Mark had to say about this hot beef jerky flavor from Big Chief Meat Snacks: “Thanks Stéphane and Paul for the great taste reviews. I lean more towards Paul here. This hot flavor taste profile is well-balanced and quite good tasting. With that said, I was not blown away as I still have some strips leftover in my bag.”
“It is also very true that there is a fair amount of oily residue on your fingers after handling this jerky. Well put Paul where we try and keep our personal biases out of the taste reviews, in this case against a chopped and formed texture.”
“Due to COVID-19, we are down to three members of the Group of Seven. Paul is at an adamant 10, Stéphane at a solid 7, and myself wavering between an 8 or 9 taste rating. This is likely the best hot flavored chopped and formed jerky reviewed to date. With the oiliness and lack of a ‘wow’ factor to a certain degree, I feel that a Good (8/10) taste rating is warranted.”
This 2.8 ounce/80 gram bag of jerky cost $6.60. That works out to $2.31 an ounce, which rates at a cheap price.
Bag Review
The resealable plastic bag has everything imprinted directly on the bag, both on the front and back. There are no labels affixed to this bag. A graphic is displayed on the back of a cow’s head that cleverly has the B from the Big Chief logo.
A slogan on this bag could be “Big Taste. Big Adventure.”. Some facts printed on this bag are “Chopped and Formed”, “Excellent Source of Protein”, “Gluten Free”, and “Product of Canada.
The only bag category missing is a transparent window to view the actual jerky. As per Canadian law, French translations are provided. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin icons are displayed. Commendably, a telephone number is displayed for customer inquiries.
Very Good (9/10) – Bag Rating
Order their jerky online:
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