Country Archer was founded in 1977 by a butcher named Celestino Mirarchi. The current owners, Eugene and Susan Kang discovered this jerky on a road trip to the Grand Canyon. They were so impressed with the jerky that the trio became partners. Country Archer’s healthy jerky and meat snacks line is sold nationwide today. A focus is put on “Food for Doers – Made By Doers”. The Country Archer jerky brand name is distributed under the same name as Country Archer, and they are located in San Bernardino, California.
The next review for Country Archer will be on a 3 ounce/85 gram bag of their Mango Habanero flavored 100% grass-fed beef jerky. This flavor is described as being a zero sugar classic beef jerky with 0 grams of sugar per serving. The jerky bag was purchased at a store in Clifton, New Jersey.
Ingredient Review
Ingredients: Grass Fed Beef, Water, Mushrooms (Mushrooms, Water, Salt), Sunflower Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar, Organic Chickpea Miso (Organic Rice Koji [Organic Rice, Koji Spores {Aspergillus Oryzae}], Organic Chickpeas, Sea Salt, Water), Garlic Powder, Salt, Onion Powder, Black Pepper, Liquid Smoke (Water, Natural Hickory Smoke Flavor), Paprika, Rosemary, Coriander, Oregano.
100% grass-fed beef is used here, just the way nature intended. These cattle are raised ethically, meaning they are not fed growth hormones or additional antibiotics. There is also some free range access for the cattle to roam about. As a result, the ingredient rating starts at Excellent (10/10).
The liquid marinade consists of water, sunflower oil, super healthy apple cider vinegar, and liquid smoke.
Some healthy ingredients are added, such as mushrooms, organic chickpea miso (including organic chickpeas), garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper, paprika, rosemary, coriander, and oregano.
The sugar level is perfect at 0 grams of sugar per 28 grams of jerky. The salt level is reasonable at 260mg of salt per 28 grams of jerky.
This jerky does qualify to have no sodium nitrite. Instead, salt is the main preservative added. Admirably, this jerky does qualify to have no MSG added.
Excellent (10/10) – Ingredient Rating
Taste Review
Written by guest jerky reviewer Paul Rekker
When I open the bag I smell juice, possibly lemon juice. The pieces are medium in size, and they are sliced rather thin. The jerky is soft and a bit moist, but they leave no moisture on your fingers.
As for the flavor, I taste salt, at a decent level, along with pepper, garlic, and natural beef, along with a mystery flavor, which I cannot put my finger on. Is it mustard? Is it another spice that I cannot fully pinpoint? Not sure, but I do like said mystery flavor. It enhances the overall flavor of this jerky.
This overall melting pot of flavors is alluring, to the point of being quite tasty. Tasty enough to warrant an 8 or 9/10, possibly leaning slightly closer to a 9 than a 10. Gentlemen?
Written by guest jerky reviewer Stéphane Leclerc
I tasted the Country Archer – Classic Grass-Fed Beef Jerky, and I did not know what to make of it at first. I had several small bites, and I was intrigued by its floral taste. I was lukewarm on this flavor, and upon sampling it several times, this flavor started growing on me. I believe the flavor has a lot to do with apple cider vinegar, chickpea miso, rosemary, and coriander. The flavors are tasty and still mild enough not to be offensive. After a few bites and a little more back and forth, I started noticing more the depth of flavor and complexity of its flavor profile.
The aroma and texture of Country Archer – Classic Grass-Fed Beef Jerky are also both pleasant, and I’d rate this jerky between an 8 and 9/10 Taste Rating.
Here is what Mark had to say about this Classic 100% grass-fed beef jerky flavor from Country Archer: “Thanks Stéphane and Paul for the taste reviews. I think both of you waited too long to review this jerky, as the flavor does dissipate after a few days. In fairness to Stéphane, it was my fault in getting the portion to him late.”
“I was totally impressed with this unique tasting flavor. Paul described it well as being a mystery flavor that is challenging to describe. What impressed me the most was how well-balanced the overall taste profile was. No single flavor stood out and blended marvelously in a complex recipe.”
“It was a complete surprise to learn that mushrooms are the number one ingredient used by weight apart from beef. This had to contribute to the ‘mystery’ flavor, but it went so much deeper than that. This flavor did seem reminiscent of something, but I could not remember from what, and I do not believe it was from a former jerky flavor. The smokiness added a nice touch to this flavor. With both Stéphane and Paul at or around a 9 rating and myself at a solid 10 rating, a Very Good (9/10) taste rating will be awarded.”
This 2 ounce/56 gram bag sells online for $7.99, which works out to $4.00 an ounce. That rates as an expensive price.
Very Good (9/10) – Taste Rating
Bag Review
This resealable plastic bag has everything imprinted on the bag, both on the front and back. Artistically the front of this bag displays high resolution pictures of habanero peppers, chili peppers, and mangoes.
A slogan printed on this bag is “Honest Jerky”. Some facts printed are “No MSG”, “No Nitrites/Nitrates”, “No Added Preservatives”, “Made With 100% Grass-Fed Beef”, “12g Protein Per Serving”, “Gluten Free”, “Proud Of These Ingredients”, “Not a Low Calorie Food”, “Zero Sugar”, “Follow The Hustle”, and “Made With Real Ingredients”. A heat scale is displayed, rating this flavor as mild.
Every bag category is covered with this bag. A great blurb is printed on the back describing this classic flavor. You are encouraged to follow Country Archer on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Commendably, a phone number and email address are provided for customer inquiries.
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