Established in 2013, Smokehouse Jerky Co. has grown significantly over the past decade, becoming a leading private label provider for over 150 jerky and snack companies. Franco and Patti Fonseca assumed company ownership in 2017 and have since been dedicated to refining their jerky and snack lines. Smokehouse Jerky Co. actively seeks new distributors nationwide and also offers private label services.
With a diverse product range, Smokehouse Jerky Co. presents an array of options, including beef, bacon, game, and exotic jerky, as well as meat sticks. The brand is distributed by Smokehouse Jerky Co., which is headquartered in Hemet, California.
The next review on Smokehouse Jerky Co. will focus on a 3.2 ounce/92 gram bag of their Original Style flavored elk jerky. This flavor is described as being carefully crafted with a blend of herbs and spices to create a bold, smoky flavor that will tantalize your taste buds. The jerky was graciously submitted for review by co-owner Franco Fonseca.
Ingredient Review
Ingredients: Elk, Flavoring Supplement (Sea Salt, Dextrose, Corn Syrup Solids, Maltodextrin, Spices, Canola Oil), Vinegar, Brown Sugar, Smoke Flavoring, Salt, Spices, Garlic Powder.
Elk meat is leaner and healthier compared to beef. The elk are raised ethically, meaning they are not administered growth hormones or additional antibiotics. They also have free range access to graze on grass, and roam about, just as nature intended. As a result, the ingredient rating starts at Excellent (10/10).
Some healthy ingredients added are spices and garlic powder. The vague term flavoring supplement is a listed ingredient, which may include healthy or unhealthy ingredients.
The sugar level is low at 1 gram of sugar per 28 grams of elk jerky. The salt level is a little high at 380mg of salt per 28 grams of elk jerky. Our preference is 350mg of salt or less per 28 grams of jerky. However, the salt level is ignored because minimally processed sea salt is used primarily.
This jerky does qualify to have no sodium nitrite or any other similar unhealthy preservatives. Admirably, this flavor does qualify to have no MSG added.
Excellent (10/10) – Ingredient Rating
Taste Review
Written by guest jerky reviewer Paul Rekker
When I open the bag I smell vinegar, or something similar. The pieces are generally small to medium, and the thicknesses are inconsistent, with a couple being sliced thin, medium, and thick. The jerky is dry, which to me is good, and there is no oily residue.
The first flavors I encounter are salt, at a high but manageable level, minimum sweet, which is good, along with a solid pepper flavor, topped off with mild garlic, as a flavor enhancer.
While we’ve reviewed elk a few times before, we haven’t reviewed it enough for me to be really familiar with the flavor. But from what I’m tasting, I am enjoying it. The flavor is favorable, what with it being original and all. I find this type and flavor of jerky quite tasty, and I would highly recommend this to any jerky aficionado. While it’s not quite at the “blow me away” level, it is easily a 9/10. Gentlemen?
Here is what Mark had to say about this Original Style elk jerky flavor from Smokehouse Jerky Co.: “Thanks Paul for the accurate taste review. The only thing I disagree with is the thickness of the strips. For the most part, they were sliced thinly. I found that as I got to the bottom of the bag, there were lots of tiny bits of jerky rather than whole muscle strips. My preference would have been to have the strips sliced a little thicker to get more of the elk flavor.”
“As for the original flavor itself, it is a classic tasting original flavor. While I found this elk jerky to taste very good, I too was lacking in the ‘wow’ department. Along with Paul, I too am at Very Good (9/10) taste rating.”
This 3.2 ounce/91 gram bag of elk jerky sells online for $13.99. That costs $4.37 an ounce, which rates as an average price.
Very Good (9/10) – Taste Rating
Bag Review
This non-resealable plastic bag has a label affixed to both the front and back. The label has a fairly detailed picture of a wooden shack with a “Smokehouse” sign. This bag is vacuum sealed, the best way to keep jerky fresh tasting.
There are no slogans printed on this bag. The only fact printed on this bag is “Made in U.S.A.”.
The only missing bag category is a best before date. A batch number is provided, which could translate to a best before date. Admirably, a phone number is provided for customer inquiries.
Order their jerky online:
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