El Diablito white fish jerky was launched in 2016 in Tabasco, Mexico, to transform the hated, feared, and invasive “pez diablo”, or devil fish into a delicious and healthy snack. The devil fish is a severe problem in Mexico, where it now accounts for 70% of freshwater capture, and has decimated the small-scale fishing industry.
Because of the fish’s mild flavor and firm texture, it tastes and feels just like beef, and is perfect for El Diablito jerky! Every batch is crafted without chemical preservatives to deliver the perfect snack for your next outdoor adventure. They know you’ll love it and the ecosystem with thank you. This El Diablito jerky is distributed by Acari LLC, and it is located in Berkeley, California.
The next review on El Diablito will focus on a 1.41 ounce/30 gram bag of their original flavored white fish jerky bar. These jerky bars were debuted in 2019. This flavor is described as being the perfect smokey, peppery blend. The jerky was kindly submitted for review by CEO, Mike Mitchell.
Ingredient Review
Ingredients: Suckermouth Catfish, Organic Sugar, Sea Salt, Garlic, Curry Powder, Natural Hardwood Smoke
The white fish used in this jerky is wild-caught Suckermouth Catfish from Mexico. Suckermouth Catfish is full of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, potassium, and loaded with the mineral selenium. As a result, the highest ingredient rating possible is Excellent (10/10).
Jerky bars by nature have a chopped and formed texture.
There are some healthy ingredients added such as black pepper, curry powder, and garlic.
The sugar level is high at 7 grams of sugar per 40 grams of jerky to lose a rating. Our preference is 3 grams or less per 28 grams. The salt level is high at 610mg of salt per 40 grams of jerky. However, the salt levels are ignored because healthy minimally processed sea salt is used.
This jerky does qualify to have no sodium added, or any other similar preservatives. Instead, minimally processed sea salt is the main preservative used. Admirably, this jerky does qualify to have no MSG added.
Very Good (9/10) – Ingredient Rating
Taste Review
Written by guest jerky reviewer Paul Rekker
When I open the bag I smell nothing. The ‘jerky bar’ looks just like a flat meat stick. The jerky is soft and dry, and it leaves no oily residue. You get two in a bag.
The first flavors I encounter are salt, at a very high level, pepper, garlic, and not much else. I don’t really taste any fish, it is coming across as quite bland. While I don’t detect any meat flavor, I don’t detect any fish flavor either. Tofu maybe?
Sorry gentlemen, I can’t really add anything here, this particular make and model is rather non-descript. A 5 or 6/10 is all I can muster up.
Here is what Mark had to say about this original white fish jerky bar flavor from El Diablito: “Thanks Paul for the honest taste review. True in that this jerky bar does not taste much like a fish product but not entirely. Not being a fan personally of fish that’s a good thing for me but for the wrong reasons. I’m afraid I have to disagree about the high level of saltiness. I found that this flavor comes across as peppery and salty tasting, a good thing. The garlic is also at a good level.”
“This is where I wished Stéphane was able to participate in this review, being a huge seafood fan, but unable to because there is curry powder. It’s always a major challenge for me to rate fish jerky, where sometimes I opt-out. I would have been totally comfortable with a Good (8/10) taste rating. Due to Paul being uninspired with this flavor a Decent (7/10) taste rating will be awarded.”
Two 1.41 ounce/40 gram bags of original jerky bars sells online for $8.49. That equates to $3.01 an ounce, which rates at a cheap price.
Bag Review
This clear plastic bag has a label attached to the front. This bag is vacuum sealed, the best way to keep jerky fresh tasting. The El Diablito logo depicts a picture of a fish with a red trident.
There are no slogans displayed. Some facts printed on this bag are “Upcycled”, “Gluten Free”, and “Jerky Bars Made With The Invasive Suckermouth Catfish”.
The only bag category missing is a company website. French translations are provided.
Order their jerky online: www.acarifish.com
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