Aldi Inc. distributes this Simms brand of jerky, and it is based out of Batavia, Illinois. Aldi is a large company with grocery stores located in at least 18 countries around the world. This jerky is manufactured by the private label company Marfood USA, located in Taylor, Michigan, far as we know.
The next review on Simms will focus on a 3.92 ounce/111 gram bag of their mild flavored meat sticks. This bag was purchased at an Aldi store in Niagara Falls, New York.
Ingredient Review
Ingredients: Beef, Pork, Mechanically Separated Chicken, Water, Textured Soy Protein Concentrate, Salt. Contains 2% or less of Dextrose, Flavorings, Corn Syrup, Smoke Flavoring, Lactic Acid Starter Culture, Sodium Erythorbate, Sodium Nitrite, Paprika, Caramelized Sugar, Maltodextrin, Malt Extract, Collagen Casing. Allergen Warnings: Soy
The beef used is not guaranteed to be free of growth hormones or additional antibiotics. Also, the beef is not guaranteed to have partial free range access to graze on grass. Pork is by law, growth hormone-free and the chicken may or not be growth hormone-free. As a result, the highest ingredient rating that can be awarded is a Good (8/10) rating.
The only healthy ingredient listed is paprika, which is likely used for its color. The vague term flavorings is used, which may or may not include healthy ingredients.
The sugar level is low at 1 gram of sugar per 32 grams of meat stick. The salt level is sort of high at 490mg of salt per 32 grams of meat stick to lose a rating. Our preference is 350mg of salt or less per 28 grams of meat stick.
This jerky does not qualify to have no sodium nitrite as sodium nitrite is used outright along with sodium erythorbate as preservatives to lose a rating. Admirably these meat sticks qualify to have no MSG added.
Alright (6/10) – Ingredient Rating
Taste Review
Written by guest jerky reviewer Paul Rekker
The ‘snack sticks’ are small in size, smaller than a regular-sized ‘pepperette’, as well as thinner. They look like a smaller version of a ‘hot rod'( pepperette).
The snack stick is made with beef, pork, and mechanically separated chicken.
When I bite into the snack stick, the collagen casing ‘snaps’ quite well, which is impressive. The first flavors that jump out at me are the salt, at a high level, which I like, not any sweet, which I also like, vinegar, no heat, not sure if I’m tasting the beef, the pork, or the chicken. I believe it is pork that is stepping front and center here. This snack stick is exceptionally tasty and is achieving the ‘Wow!!’ factor, so I am inclined to score it at a 10/10. I can detect no faults, at least not taste-wise. Gentlemen?
Here is Mark M.s taste review: “Greasy, but I’d still give it a 10.”
Here is what Mark had to say about this mild meat stick flavor from Simms: “Thanks Paul for the honest taste review. Yes, the taste is good, although I agree that this meat stick is quite salty tasting, arguably too much salt. This meat stick is incredibly greasy, which can be a turn off and off-putting. Full marks on the excellent ‘snap’ to the texture. As for the taste of meat, neither the beef, pork, or chicken is discernible whatsoever.”
“Due to COVID19, we are down to just three members of the Group of Seven. With Paul and Mark M. at a 10, and myself at an 8, a Very Good (9/10) taste rating seems most appropriate.”
This 3.92 ounce/111 gram bag cost $2.39. That works out to a very cheap price of 60 cents an ounce.
Very Good (9/10) – Taste Rating
Bag Review
This cardboard box has everything imprinted directly on the box, both on the front and back. There are high-resolution pictures on the front and back displaying some meat sticks.
There are no slogans printed on this bag. Some facts displayed are “160 Calories”, “SatFat 5g”, “Sodium 490mg”, “Sugars < 1g”, “Made with Beef, Pork, and Chicken”, “14 Sticks”, “Smoked Flavoring Added”, and “Lactose Free”.
All major bag categories are covered here except a transparent window to view the actual meat sticks, and there is no web site listed. There is a short but good blurb about Simms meat sticks. Admirably, Aldi Inc. offers a “Double Guarantee”, where they will both replace your product and refund your money if you are not satisfied.
I baught these SIMMS mild smoked snack sticks and bit into one and hit a bone the size of a corn kernel hurting my tooth. Now I’m scared to eat the rest of these! Is this a rare occurrence or what happened here!
I can no longer find these in any Aldis stores. Are they still being made?
Yes. I just bought 2 packs. I’m in Orange county California. Aldi in Laguna woods